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Lets All be a Muslim for a Day ?

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BertiWooster | 19:34 Sat 05th Sep 2009 | News
35 Answers
Is this a good idea ?

A couple of quotes from the mayor -

“That’s why I urge people, particularly during Ramadan, to find out more about Islam, increase your understanding and learning, even fast for a day with your Muslim neighbour and break your fast at the local mosque. I would be very surprised if you didn’t find that you share more in common than you thought.”

“There are valuable lessons that people of all backgrounds can learn from Islam such as the importance of community spirit, family ties, compassion and helping those less fortunate, all of which lie at the heart of the teachings of Ramadan.”

Now - I realise that the closest some of us may have come to meeting a Muslim , is when you walk by the television . However will be doing as Boris suggests?


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Stuff that.
muslim bumped his trolley into me at s'market so bumped him harder back - does that count?
Better still, in the interests of equality, why not everyone become a Jew for the day, or a Christian, or a Buddist.

Its a stupid idea.
I don’t think I fancy the idea of my husband rushing out to pick up a child bride, expecting me to be subservient and treating me and any other non-Muslims as nothing more than filthy animals that should be exterminated.
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I used to like Boris Johnson, but after reading this, I'm not so sure of his intentions:
P.S. Well said Lonnie! -x-
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Ditto birdie!

God help us - or should we be saying Allah!
"That's why I urge people, particularly during Ramadan, to find out more about Islam, increase your understanding and learning, even fast for a day with your Muslim neighbour and break your fast at the local mosque"

Lilac-Neet perhaps you should take up the suggestion
I will be having my English breakfast fry up today including lots of bacon.
Then I will have a light lunch with a glass of wine.
In the evening I will have dinner with a few glasses of wine.

Sod the Ramadan shite of starving during the day, what a load of cr@p.
it would keep your water bills down a little
>I don’t think I fancy the idea of my husband rushing out to pick up a child bride,
>expecting me to be subservient and treating me and any other non-Muslims as
>nothing more than filthy animals that should be exterminated.

And expecting you to cover yourself from head to toe so no evil man can lust after you.

Why did we let so many Muslims into the country, is it too late to change or mind?
On another forum I follow a muslim asked how other peoples fasting was going. Someone else said "fasting, that is stupid".

The Muslim replied "it is not stupid, it is my religion"

Yeh, like religions never ask people to do stupid things.

Any religion that asks a person to not eat OR DRINK (even water) between sunrise and sunset has to be VERY VERY suspect.
When you live side-by-side with other cultures, when you take the time to actually speak to your neighbours and accept them for what they are, there's no need to 'become' them, nor they you.
He added: “Muslims are at the heart of every aspect of society. Their contribution is something that all Londoners benefit from.

Ask the survivers of the London bombings if they agree.


And a spokesman for the Islamic Society of Britain said: “We think Boris’s idea is a positive thing. As Mayor of London he has every right to express his views on this matter.”

I wonder if they would be so tolerant and understanding, if he was to say something that they disagreed with?


“There are valuable lessons that people of all backgrounds can learn from Islam such as the importance of community spirit, family ties, compassion and helping those less fortunate, all of which lie at the heart of the teachings of Ramadan.”

Community spirit:
How to make bombs, to enable one to blow up your fellow citizens.

Family ties:
If a female member of your family dares to have a relationship with a male, who the family dislike, then kill her off at the earliest convenience.

Compassion and helping those less fortunate: Providing they are of the Islam faith.

Boris has gone completely off his rocker this time. he along with other's, should be spending their time teaching the ethnic minorities, how to fit in better with the indigenous population of the country they chose to settle in.
Actually, Muslims don't fast, not really, on Ramadam, they fast from Sunrise to Sunset, from Sunset to Sunrise, they can stuff themselves silly, to make sure they've eaten enough to see themselves through the daylight hours.

All they've done is change the times of eating.
TCL-Mumping. I know too much about the Islamic faith which is why I find it very worrying, in fact really quite frightening that non-believers will give this religion the time of day. You clearly have the nice softly softly version of Islamic knowledge. When you’ve got to the truth and start to smell the coffee you’ll understand why any woman would have to be mad or on drugs to have anything to do with Islam or anyone in it.
Thanks to VHG for seeing the female point of view.
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And you can have a dump on a bog which doesn't face east.

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