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Sqad | 06:55 Sun 27th Sep 2009 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
Just read last night rant on a banned ABer.

My opinion?

His postings were:
40% intelligent
40% humorous
20% involving personal persistent abuse beyond general acceptability with scant disregard of the rules.

He was banned for the 20%

Me? couldn't understand his threads anyway, those long stupid gaps with DTH at the bottom drove me mad..................but hey! there are many people that I drive mad.


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He's a funny man. He's had everyone in my house laughing. How he comes across in real life and how he 'sometimes' comes across on here are completely different.

Good morning sqad x
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ummmm....morning my love......yepp you are quite correct, I bet many people on AB would have a shock if indeed they met their adversaries in real life.

People for lunch today ummmm, can't stand my routine being disturbed.'ll cope. Have an extra glass of wine :-)
I do agree ummm , good luck sqad, I couldnt cope with people for lunch today, I like my sundays as my own!
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cazz,,they are snobs, name droppers, but very entertaining once or twice a year. ;-)
Look at the likes of Kjc.... (an alias for you-know-who)

0.5% intelligent
1.3% humorous (and that's unintentional)
98.2% Abusive

She is allowed to remain. Probably because she is the biggest brown-nose on the Ed's threads.
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NoM....LOL...No I don't know who she is now, but have had a few "run ins" with her as has salla.

No big deal though.
My opinion - Glad he's gone.

Tell your Mrs to stop being lazy and cook breakfast... I only just got in.
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CD...not me....YOU tell her.

Just got in? are you a nurse?
'I' would tell her... You big girls blouse.

Yes, just got in but only because I missed the last tube and no, I'm not a nurse. I'm a PA with 'some' medical training.
Ola Sqad !!
He is one of the kindest funniest people you would wish to meet -just a shame that he was the epiphany of 'give a dog a bad name'.Lots of peeople who complain about him then have to admit that they actually have no problems themselves with him.I rest my case.

You obviously didnt try your bedside manner on your missus this morning cos not only would you have your breakfast -you would have had it in bed :) x
'epitomy' (of course)^^^^
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Drisgirl.....I did have it in bed this morning, but it was my cooked breakfast that I was talking about...;-)
O well -woman after my own heart then -use them for your own needs and then dont pander to them :)
A lot of others have posted abuse and are still here - he gave back what he was given.

Whatever any one says I like him adn he's one funny guy - we're all entitled to our opinions - just a shame some are wrong!!
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No, no leggy, the sexual and urinating tales were part of a scientific study of abnormal sexual relations i.e what is, or what is not sexually normal...............;-)
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leggy.....I'm in Menorca and if you don't mind I will give the bar scene a miss.

Your other point......difficult but not impossible.

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