We're getting them in the North West of England and the letters offering us the application pack has arrived, I've filled in an online application for 4 packs, one for myself and one each for the kids, my eldest son has never had a passport but I understood from the post ofice lady that he could get one or these instead, but apparently you can only get one iof you already have a passport!!!! So whats the point? Am I reading it wrong?
Hi dot,
I was interested at first glance when we recieved our application letter! I thought it would be a quick route to a passport! How dissapointing!
Dot I was furious when I got my pack, for years I have wanted one of these as I do not drive and have no passport, so thought this would be ideal!! Then to find you need a passport to get one PAH! Back to being considered a money launderer at the bank I`ve used for 30 years LOL
well I was talking to a customer at work today who works for the post office and they are being told 9not sure by who) to convince customers they are a good idea to get when you don't have a passport because they will be cheaper, so someone has given her the wrong info!!!!