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What is Your #1 concern this Easter Weekend?

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AB Editor | 11:52 Thu 01st Apr 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers

Dear All,

I hope you are well. The Easter weekend is upon us, and as such, I wondered what the average Chatterbanker does on a long weekend. Let us know what your weekend will, in the most part, consist of.


This poll is closed.

Which of the following activities will be the main focus of your bank holiday weekend?

  • "Nothing" - I intend to be a undirected, unproductive slob for the weekend. - 22 votes
  • 44%
  • Seeing Family - 12 votes
  • 24%
  • Working - 9 votes
  • 18%
  • Drinking - 5 votes
  • 10%
  • Religious Activities - 1 vote
  • 2%
  • Eating Chocolate - 1 vote
  • 2%
  • Sleeping - 0 vote
  • 0%
  • Having a "short break" holiday - 0 vote
  • 0%

See final stats

Stats until: 16:24 Wed 02nd Oct 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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I voted, why am I a 0%???!
definitely the last one, with most of the others in between.
"Stats until: Thu 12:51 01/Apr/10 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)"

because of that, Sara :)
Question Author
It updates every 5 mins!

All the best

Spare Ed

I voted for G sadly.
Question Author
We're all 0% for the mo Sara!

Spare Ed
You just trying to how many of us won't be here aren't you?
I voted for H,i am off the weekend whoo hoo!!
except me, i'm 110%.

well about 33% of the time anyway.
lol...I don't know what happened to my typing there. It was meant to say...

You're just trying to see how many of us won't be here aren't you?
58% slobs - well that's what you'd expect on a site like this, isn't it. Kind of self-selected for slobbery.
Question Author
Well, I like to know who I will be able to chat to this weekend...

Also, if you're all not here I can dedicate extra time to C.

Spare Ed
ohhhhhhhhhhhh, right!

lol.. what a muppet!
I'm part of the 8.33% (currently) that is working :(
so we are mostly slobs then? I could have told you that!
Hope you will be resurrected by tomorrow Ed ! We were all shocked by the news earlier that AB was terminating ! :-D
i wanted a/c/g and with any luck fatboy is home and i won't be on here at all
My b/f's married so I'm stuck with being alone or being with family. family it is then :p
-- answer removed --
That's a shame for you Doc!
as long as your bf is married you will always be second best lindz

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What is Your #1 concern this Easter Weekend?

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