Hi loobyloo - I buy and sell on eBay and know what you mean. No, once the seller has posted the question & reply it can't be removed, the site is very clear about that. It's a shame that you gave your personal email address as unfortunately you could have got round it another way - you could have asked her to amend her listing and post up another photo (which would admittedly cost her another 12p to post on the sale but could have been worth it if you'd bought it). The other option would have been to email her and ask her NOT to post the reply - I do that sometimes if I think the reply won't be helpful to sales but generally I always post reponses, so you have to ask for it NOT to be done. However, if it doesn't sell and the seller relists it, any attached answers and questions don't carry forward to the new listing. I'm afraid that it's a lesson learned - hopefully you will have no problems, I wouldn't want my private email on worldwide display either! Does the listing finish soon?