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I Write like

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AB Editor | 13:21 Wed 14th Jul 2010 | ChatterBank
112 Answers
Dear All,

Turns out I write like P.G Woodhouse - or, at least, this is what happened when I put and old blog post into this:

Why not stick one of your posts in and tell us who your script most resembles.

All the best

Spare Ed


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Sorry Ed that's far too interesting............I'm far too busy posting on another-views cutting edge threads.
How strange,I write like "Chuck Palahniuk" apparently

(who the hell is that?)
Yeah - me too. A-V's a hoot.
God... Dan Brown apparently, what an insult. I clearly need more practice.
I just had one deleted. waah! I was only trying to save doc a job, so he wouldn't have to post how much he enjoyed his carvery.
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He wrote "Fight Club" and "Choke" Chuck.

Spare Ed
I write like James Joyce. - me likes!

thanks Ed.
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Yes 20sc, but doesn't that mean you writing may be impenetrable - not exactly a glowing review if you're trying to clearly supply information!

Spare Ed
Couldn't resist it - apparently I write like: Dan Brown ????????

If only....
CD - snap!
He has made an awful lot of money though ;-)
I write like Vladimir Nabokov ......well I'd say that's close.
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Condolences to you Dan-Brown-a-likes
Roger Hargreaves :-/
ha ha i write like stephen king!!!!
But I cheated Ed - I cut & pasted some of china's stuff.... ;-)

I'll try again with a less flippant post of mine >>>>>>>>
Stephen King...............:o(

I just hope I can read better than I write, in that case !!
This time it was Stephen King - I think this site is a load of codswallop - sorry ed.
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It doesn't take enough time over analysing it to anywhere near analyse it correctly.

And funny how so many of us are getting Stephen King, Dan Brown...

I'm going to try again with somethign really bizarre >>>>>>>>>
Ed - my writings are usually well understood - not sure about the inane ramblings that go on in my brain tho! ;-)

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