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Zzxxee, Zzxxee - Wherefore Art Thou?

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ttfn | 21:25 Fri 17th Dec 2010 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
♫ Won't you come back dear zzxxee
Won't you come back
We miss you all day long
We'll play the A - Z's
We'll play the games
We know we done you wrong ♫

It aint the same ChatterBank without you ♥


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er, when did we do her wrong?
Yes it is, the same i mean, just slightly different as she's not here- obviously.

Still yes, i'd like to see her return as well.

Oh, and nice poem :-)
How are you going to get her to see this? I think she lives in Bristol but that's all I know. If she is so annoyed that she is not even looking at Chatterbank then there's no way you can contact her.
I know, it took me months to learn how to spell her user name properly too
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cazzz - just the line of the song to Bill Bailey ;o)
B00 - your avs have more attitude than the rest put together - loving them!
quite often the absent look in, if she wants to post on ab she will be back, Im not clear as to why she left (I missed the hullabaloo) but its fair to say that most people look in even if they dont post
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dotty - how could anyone tell? I assumed you had a foreign make keyboard ☺
lol ttfn, ohh I feel a bit like a right git now ;)
Who did her wrong?! She had a little flounce and she'll either come back or not.... I don't see what all the fuss is about.
no ttfn but some of the keys have letters erased (but i am getting a new laptop on monday and so that excuse will be void)
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Sorry cazzz - I wasn't trying to set up anyone over it. I am sure when zzxxee sees this she won't take offence
I think we ought to refer to chuckies answer on purple_popple's thread..........
Did she left? Why? I hadn't noticed anything unpleasant from her. She's always so alive and pleasant.

Is it possible for her computer to flounce?. :-)
not only that society, the computer did a flounce by proxy too :P

Ta ttfn :-)
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jack - I thought it would be nice for zzxxee to see some support in her own right :o)
i see no problem in leaving a wee note for a popular aber.
I miss zzxxee too always entertaining posts and such a pleasant person.
Such a pleasant person. Just a pity she can't handle anyone disagreeing with her. Between her and Bobbi it's...

Butt out
End of
Butt out
End of

I won't be missing her....especially when she name checked me when I wasn't even around!!
I do that to you all the time ummmm and will continue to do so as you never find out.........oops
Lol....Hey Dot...I'm use to you now :-) It took a while...!

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