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yes...well I have vista. it only came with 60 G's of space and well before my old external which by the way I wish I could get the information off it, went up in a tiny puff of smoke cause the computer guy I took it too didn't use a grounding plug on it when he tested it. I would save a few things over to the main drive. But I have taken those things off all expect for the programs which I downloaded onto the main drive. I got micro soft office which had programs on the CD that I really don't use and have never opened. but I'm scared that if I take any of them off my micro soft word wont work and I need that one to do my writing. I don't like the note pad thingy, to me it sucks. (sorry for the foulness there but it's true) and that along took up a lot of space. I think if I remember correctly it was like 5 g's maybe 6 g's it was a lot of space.
not sure if I asked this or not, but can I move my music over to the external and play it from there? cause I tried it once and my window media player wouldn't play it, can I use a different player to play from there? I have win-amp and real player and any of the DVD programs will play music as well. But how do I get it to play from off the external?
BTW thanks for the help so far..I am willing to try anything that does wipe out my drive completely.