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i've just read the book and cant believe what a story it is, i could hardly put it down till i knew she'd got away from that evil man i read elsewhere that she had been on this morning last month. i'm...
I hope someone can shed a light on this for me, it was a book i read years ago about a maze/labarinth i think it was evil or something i dont think anyone had ever made it thro, theres also something...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/...ainment-arts-16871764David Choe wanders around a Facebook Office,with a Spray can,tagging as he goes..on his way to earning a possible $200m(£126m)..You like..?...
Looking for a 'horror' short story from the 60s, possibly in one of the 'Pan' - a futuristic tale of how people are forced to live their lives driving on the roads. (oops sorry posted this on the...
Stuck on a couple, any help/hints greatly appreciated. Who at the age of 83 found herself at a rave pub watching the Booker Prize ceremony and got home in time to hear herself being thanked by the...
Hi, I am trying to find a book I read in the early 80s. It was a paperback western book with an indian trading post in it. I think it had an orange-coloured cover. There was an indian (Apache?)...
Does anyone know where I can buy and how much the artwork would be of Scott Walker? I have looked on-line but can only find posters if I could I would really love to own an original but it would...
Have just finished reading the above book for the second time and loved it again; although it's too sad for words! Can anyone recommend anything similar, not The Time Travelers Wife though; have read...
i may have this completely wrong ,and i havent read these books in order . but im sure one of the main characters dies in book four ( the last coyote ) only to reappear in later novels ? i must be...
i am trying to find the name of a novel i read some years ago plot is military man is sent to investigate a remote bus crash. he is asked to track down the passengers. there is no list but he manages...
I usually read thrillers or cop books, but occasionally I like a soppy romance. I was trying to tell a friend about a book I read some time ago, but I can't remember the title or who it was by and am...
Can anyone verify this story about Lord Macaulay? "Quite apart from anything else, he was amazingly precocious. It is said that at the age of three he used to sit in his high chair reciting...
I went to see Dr Dee yesterday - the new opera by Damon AlbarnI loved it - my friend thought it was pretentiousJust goes to show you cant please all the people all the time...