Who can write the poem? Is there anyone can help me write the poem? You can write anything as you want such as nature, love something like that. I really don't have imagine about writing poem, but i need to submit it for score. ^^
You now have two threads about this. You could have added to the original one, you know. What do you mean by submitting it for score? Submit it to who and why?
I'm sorry for my thinking. I did not intend to happen. I will write it by myself. I just want to know when other people write the poem, how do they write it.
How do they have technique or style for writing poem? Why they write the poem very well for myself will improve my writing. However, I want to say thank you for your goodwill.
Here's a limerick for you. (Well, it's a poem, and it is a start):
The overweight wife of a banker
Once fell overboard from a tanker.
She thought she would float,
But was used by the boat,
First as ballast, and then as an anchor.