Today, a friend and I were discussing what books we had read at school, as 'class readers for study'. As we are similar ages, we actually read almost the same books even though we went to school in different areas of the country.
What can you remember having to read? Please could you also indicate the decade? Thank you.
At primary mid 60' was green red ..a series of hard backs...I skipped Janet and John as I could read pre school...was put up a year after a tart ! Lol...
I dont remember reading anything, but as I got grade A o level in English Literature I must have done. I remember we learnt chunks of the Gallic Wars in Latin. I do remember my first reading book, early fifties that started Sing, Sing, Sing, Sing Mother Sing......
I'm guessing you mean secondary school? for me 60/70s Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, She stoops to conquer, Far from the Madding Crowd, The Kon Tiki Expedition,Animal Farm, Lord of the Flies, Midsummer Night's Dream and Merchant of Venice. hated them all except Hardy.
well, without further ado - mum and I fought for Katie Mulholland by Catherine Cookson. Me anyway didn't know we could have got her over and over again in the library. The most wonderful book of my life. I still could read it but because I know the ending it would not be the same Conne