She obviously preferred writing fiction to fact. From the BBC website:
"Rendell began her writing career as a reporter on an Essex newspaper.
However, she was forced to resign after filing a story about a local sports club dinner that she hadn't attended. Her report failed to mention that the after-dinner speaker had died half-way through the speech."
Chico's remark reminds me of Marion Crawford, nanny to the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. In later years she wrote a column for a women's magazine. In one article she commented on a royal function, describing in detail how the Queen looked. Unfortunately the Queen wasn't there; she had a cold.
I have most of her books and re-read them frequently, not just for the storylines and plots but also for the 'aside' comments about life in general that she used to slip in to her stories. A fine author, a fine brain, one more book, her last, may be published.