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Here is the quote:
"I like how blinded you are by your agenda. You outwardly contradicted yourself in your own post.
"No, your crotch does define your sex either male or female. It's in the dictionary."
"You are not a female because you take hormones, SRS"
Aside from your contradiction, by your own logic a woman is no longer a woman if she has a hysterectomy or her genitals are mutilated. This is due to your oversimplified view on the matter. The science behind it begs to differ, and if you're interested in being something other than disingenuous (which judging by your fervent post history on this video seems unlikely) I can cite you a variety. I also like how you seem to only focus on transwomen as opposed to transmen.
Regardless, the point you as many others commenting fail to understand is that this is a semantical issue. I'm a linguist. Have been for 10 years. I understand words and their origins/structures better than most people. Let me tell you, this is mainly an issue with English. In Spanish, French and German the denotations are not the same whatsoever. Some of the connotations may still be bigoted, but they often do not share the same origin or excuses. For example, if I were to create a new language that holds sex and gender with completely similar but different denotations, you'd be in absolutely no position to correct me. Such is the case with French.
There are also more than two sexes, fungi have 36,000 sexes. Humans sometimes have intersex conditions. Gender and sex can be interchangeably depending on the language and context. At what point is the line drawn and why? Almost always it's due to a social agenda"