I'm wanting a couple of good (but lightweight) reads for my upcoming week's holiday in Jamaica. On my last hol in Egypt, I loved Peter Kay and Ricky Tomlinson's efforts - any recommendations?
I few years ago I grabbed a book in a hurry, just to make up the number in a '3 for 2' offer, as my train was about to leave. I wasn't expecting a great deal from it, especially as it had a celebrity author (which is frequently a sign that a book has only been published because the writer's name is expected to attract sales, rather than because it has any intrinsic merit). To my surprise, it was the best book I'd read for years, brilliantly crafted by its writer. Perhaps you might enjoy it as well? http://www.amazon.co.uk/Baltic-Bob-Epic-Misadv enture/dp/0141012862/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=book s&qid=1250985369&sr=1-1
I do have to say that if you're only there for a week leave the reading for when you get back to "Blighty". You are on holiday: enjoy the country and be careful......been there numerous times. Take the train ride to the Appleton rum factory.
If you like this type of reading, I can definitely recommend Stuart Maconies book "Pies and Prejudice" and Mark Radcliffes book "Thank you for the days"
Very good Easy reading
If you like a bit of old fashioned mystery reading, any "Steam Detective" book by Andrew Martin would be good. Why they haven't made these into a Sunday night programme, I've no idea.