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Book I read at school

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natb0703 | 07:26 Sun 06th Jun 2010 | Books & Authors
4 Answers
I am looking to find out what a series of books I read at primary school was called. Early 90s

The front cover was green and had a brick effect, I think it was called something street or lane?

There was different stories but one mainly sticks in my mind, there was a cat trying to get sugar mice from a shop and another I vaguely remember had a green dragon in.

Please help, I have searched everywhere.


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If you don't get sorted here, go on the Abebooks and ask in their booksleuth forum.
Puddle lane - amazing books
I loved those books so much I have been Ebaying them lately to see if they are still available. They are and there are so many more than I remember.
If it was Puddle Lane, then I remember they were Ladybird books - doesn't look like they're on the list anymore, though.

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Book I read at school

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