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Do You Have A Book In You?

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AB Editor | 12:51 Fri 09th Jul 2010 | Arts & Literature
23 Answers

The saying goes: "Everyone has at least one book in them" - do you believe you have a book in you?

Can we all be writers? If you do think you have book in  you, what kind of book is it? Autobiography, fiction, non-fiction?


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do you believe you have a book in you?

  • I certainly do, a great work of fiction nonetheless! - 8 votes
  • 35%
  • I believe so, but as a non-fiction work. - 6 votes
  • 26%
  • Yes, an Autobiography or Family-History - 5 votes
  • 22%
  • Nope, no book in me! - 4 votes
  • 17%

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I used to have a little Bulgarian dictionary but the surgeons were able to remove it.
I've often thought over the years that I should write a book about my experiences in the children's homes I was brought up in. The problem is i'm not that good a writer. lol
Try anyway daffy,, it might not make it as a book but the organisations that keep 'living history' records may well be interested, a publisher might link you with a 'co-writer' if they feel the story had market value as well
Question Author
What about new forms of writing, blogging and the like? Are they worthy enough to be considered? or is blogging closer to "journalism"?
I've tried to write a book a couple of times...but in both cases gave up because I simply couldn't keep te plotlines running properly...I have a lot of respect for those who manage it...
Question Author
Also, my writer friend recommends a program called write or die:

Give it a go.

Spare Ed
A poetry book. I've written enough poems over the years,but never been able to find a publisher!
I have been published - once in my own name, once as contributer of a chapter to a textbook, and a couple of poems in those "if we print your poem in our book, you can buy a copy" efforts.
poetry? - just don't get it.
I had a couple of short stories published a long time ago. A book would take too much effort.
I wrote a short story/play once for a radio compitition, about four young adults who are on a cliff edge after becoming stranded after the tide comes in.
quite enjoyed writing it and the characters traits were taken from some family and friends, putting them in that scenario and how they would cope.
unfortualty i was giving up smoking at the time and the main theme was there lack of fags! think i over did it a bit probibly my subconsious kicking in with nicotine withdrawal.

I didn't win :o(
I wrote (and published) a novelty football book that sold (I kid you not) 30 000 copies in two months. No literary merit but i was in the papers and on the TV and radio - great (and lucrative) times. My more serious attempts with the pen have been less fruitful, although I did write one episode of a BBC radio soap and I have written countless magazine articles, stories and some rather dark poemery.

As soon as I find my Muse in size 9 Doc Martens I shall be kicked into action and the world will read in awe. But don't hold your breath.

My brother also writes for a living. He writes his name at the Jobcentre every fortnight, and they pay him money.
I have several books in me, one day I may write them and smite the smiters
How can you " not get " poetry? There is such a wide variety? ( You might "get" mine as it is very simple but you might not call it poetry,as it doesn't always rhyme.) Do you prefer it set to music as in pop songs, Country and Western, opera etc???
I have had one book published - a guide to careers in television, and I am in the process of collaborating with aa famous drummer on his autobiography.

As a writer, I know how hard a book is - hats off to anyone who can write good fiction.
I remember reading a reply to the quote "Everyone has at least one book in them"

Which was "Yes, was probably not a very good one".
That should say....

Which was "Yes, but probably not a very good one"
Yes i do believe i have a book in me...i've kept a diary since i was 16, so my book would be loosely based on my life - i'd have to change a lot of details to protect 'the guilty'
Along the same lines as VHG, it has been said that - regarding the claim, "Everyone has a book in them" - the best reply is, "And that's where it should stay!"
It's nonsense to believe that more than a tiny minority of us has the skill to write anything worth anyone ELSE'S reading. If you write it for yourself, that's perfectly fine.
I haven't got a book in me, but Mr. N did and, after two years of slogging around publishers, managed to get published (not vanity). He's on his second one now. I don't know how he manages to write the way he does but he never "plots" the story. If you ask him, he says he lets the characters have a free rein and they move the plot line along themselves. "You have to have the basics of an idea and then create some strong, believable characters who your readers can relate to. If you can manage that then the sky's the limit, what are you waiting for."

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