Pet detectives in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Pet detectives

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sherrardk | 21:47 Fri 19th Aug 2011 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
How do pet detectives make their money? I ask because there are pet detectives in the village (and there is a programme on the TV next week which they are in). Surely the area they can cover is quite small - why would you pay someone to put up posters about a missing pet when you could do it yourself?
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I imagine there's money to be made for their time. When (rich) people have searched and searched for a lost pet and are besides themselves with worry, they'd rather pay someone else to search some more and follow up sightings than give up altogether?
I saw that ad and remembered thinking it was an outlandish idea when Ace Ventura came out - and whaddya know, people now do it!
Some of the insurance policies for furry friends have bits to them that cover the search for and reward for finding of furries.

Forgive my very dodgy grasp of the English language today - my brain has gone missing. :-(
I'd gladly pay them to find our Rover ;-(

We have put up posters, offered reward, adverts in the paper, all the vets and local cats places notified - including the environmental health, in case he's dead - not a sausage. Lots of people saying they've seen him but when I go, it's not him.

Our vet said yesterday that his cat ran off, so he's now invested in one of those GPS collars - however Rover hated a collar, but I wish they'd invent a cat microchip with GPS cat-nav in it, we would have tracked him by now if they had.
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I realise that people will happily pay to find a pet, but I was wondering just how much you would have to pay. The pet detectives around here support their own family and employ at least one other person in addition to having two search vehicles. Their search area must be quite limited - I wonder if they work with other pet detectives in different areas (probably find out when I watch the programme).

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