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Literary terms

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Tunestar | 22:49 Mon 25th Apr 2005 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers
What is the word used to describe when the weather reflects the mood or the action in the text?


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Personification, perhaps, which is a form of metaphor? That is, something non-human...the given mood...qualities. Anthropomorphism might also apply, though that is generally applied to the giving of human characteristics to animals rather than inanimate things such as the weather. 
You may be thinking of Romantic as opposed to Classic?  In the Romantic movement (in art/literature/music) the elements matched the events and the characters' feelings.
The term you're looking for is pathetic fallacy: when, for instance, a character receives some really bad news and then it starts to rain. It also applies to the description of weather with emotional adjectives, e.g. miserable weather, angry storm clouds.
If they were making luuurve - then it would definitely be - climactic !

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