Quizzes & Puzzles11 mins ago
14 Answers
I have recently found the following site.
Obviusly it bas been there sometime but I thought if there are any
Birmingham people who have not found it they will find it very
intersesting. It is full of photographs and memories of earlier days.
I have also managed to find two of my ancestors through old friends
I met on there
Obviusly it bas been there sometime but I thought if there are any
Birmingham people who have not found it they will find it very
intersesting. It is full of photographs and memories of earlier days.
I have also managed to find two of my ancestors through old friends
I met on there
I go on it a lot. I have also posted a number of photographs of Birmingham that I have taken over the years. How about this picture I took in the early 1980s [ IMG] http:// i664. photobucket. com/ albums/ vv10/ guilbert53/ veryold2. jpg[/ IMG] And here is the same view today, up by the convention centre. [ IMG] http:// i664. photobucket. com/ albums/ vv10/ ...
18:18 Thu 29th Nov 2012
I go on it a lot.
I have also posted a number of photographs of Birmingham that I have taken over the years.
How about this picture I took in the early 1980s
And here is the same view today, up by the convention centre.
I have also posted a number of photographs of Birmingham that I have taken over the years.
How about this picture I took in the early 1980s
And here is the same view today, up by the convention centre.
for VHG (if it works)
Links did not work, lets try again
Here is the old picture from the early 1980s
http ://i 664. phot obuc ket. com/ albu ms/v v10/ guil bert 53/v eryo ld2. jpg
Here is the old picture from the early 1980s
Here is the same view from a year or so back
President Clinton (as he was then) had a pint at the G8 summit in the pub on the left.
http ://i 664. phot obuc ket. com/ albu ms/v v10/ guil bert 53/V iew1 Pict ure6 .jpg
President Clinton (as he was then) had a pint at the G8 summit in the pub on the left.
How about a second "before and after".
This view is from the early 1980s, this is near the NIA (National Indoor Arena)
http ://i 664. phot obuc ket. com/ albu ms/v v10/ guil bert 53/V iew3 2Pic ture 1.jp g
This view is from the early 1980s, this is near the NIA (National Indoor Arena)
And here is the second "after" from a year or so back
http ://i 664. phot obuc ket. com/ albu ms/v v10/ guil bert 53/V iew3 2Pic ture 2.jp g
>>>Is that first one Brindley Place, VHG?
Sort of, the second modern picture gives an idea of where it is.
The picture was taken with my back to the NIA (which was not there in the old picture of course) facing toward Broad St.
The Convention Centre is on the left of the canal, and Brindley Place (the Sea Life centre) is on the right of the canal.
Sort of, the second modern picture gives an idea of where it is.
The picture was taken with my back to the NIA (which was not there in the old picture of course) facing toward Broad St.
The Convention Centre is on the left of the canal, and Brindley Place (the Sea Life centre) is on the right of the canal.
Here is a picture of what becamse Brindley Place when they were developing it in the mid 1980s.
You can see the Ikon Gallery (which was a school) in the background
http ://i 664. phot obuc ket. com/ albu ms/v v10/ guil bert 53/V iew1 2Pic ture 2.jp g
You can see the Ikon Gallery (which was a school) in the background