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Tv Choice Crossword Issue 51

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Jae1000000 | 16:53 Fri 14th Dec 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
8 Answers
I know this is cheeky but does any one know what the answer for tv choice crossword issue 51 is, I was unable to get hold of this weeks magazine. Thanks to all those who can help.


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The answer was "Merlin" Jae. Good luck! I do it every week but never send it in. The Christmas double is out now too and the answer is "Yule Log"
Hi Kustard!
Hi Winner!!! Was just about to speak to YOU on the one you answered. If we don't bump in the next week or so, have a wonderful Christmas and all the best for the New Year x
aw kustard, that is so sweet of you, thank you, and the same to you. xxx
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Hi Kustard,
Thanks so much for the answers, if I win the first thing I am going to get is one those flat screen 3d tv, thanks again.
merlin do you want the other answers
Question Author
Yes please, I love the other answers if you got them, thanks so very much.
Jae, if you google the name of the crosswords, there are a couple of sites which give suggested answers each week. I've used that a couple of times when I've thrown the page away by mistake.

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Tv Choice Crossword Issue 51

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