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And Of My Three Score Years And Ten, Sixty Six Won't Come Again...

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sandyRoe | 07:01 Wed 12th Jun 2013 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
It was my birthday yesterday and for me a melancholy day. Could it be I don't enjoy them anymore because I've come lately to think of them as milestones to Milltown?


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I guess so. When a kid each one means you are getting to be a big person with all that brings. Once over the hill on on the downward side it doesn't mean the same thing. Something one takes in one's stride instead. After all, every day you are just one day older that yesterday.

Untimately though, it is a state of mind. Maybe the best thing to do is not dwell on what you think they signify and just use it to plan a day where you do something you don't normally do and enjoy it.
Or if you didn't get around to it, do it the next day instead.
Happy Birthday for yesterday.

I must say, I cant really be bothered with Birthdays any more, I would rather they weren't even acknowledged to some degree, It is nice to know that you haven't been forgotten I suppose. I don't think it's an "age" thing, I just don't like being the centre of attention.

When I found my Ex wife had arranged a surprise Birthday for my 40th I put a stop to it straight away, I really don't do that kind of stuff at all.
Happy belated Sandy ! you did something nice ?
Although a melancholy day Sandy, I hope it was pleasant to some degree.
Belated birthday wishes xxx
Belated birthday greetings Sandy.xx
Ratter I agree, I told my family don't EVER try to do a Surprise Party for me, I would hate it!!
Belated birthday wishes sandy. Age brings experience, a lot of which you bring to answer bank users. I always look forward to your posts.
Happy birthday for yesterday xx

my theory is that everyone wants to be in their 20s. Younger than that, you look forward to it; past that, you don't.
sandy...I agree with RATTER......just tell me, what is the point of celebrating another year off your life.......seems stupid to me.

There are no pluses in getting try and hold it back.....whatever way you like. Generally speaking old people are a bore to themselves and to everyone else.....this can be thwarted and i bet that you are one of those that can hold back the years.Take some exercise,mix with younger people if possible, still keep your brain active and that will put off the day.
From your posts you seem to be doing that already.
happy buirthday for yesterday sandy. any excuse for a party rather than something to be ignored.

at 66 you could always be my toy boy.
I found i became invisible to shop and pub staff and anywhere that had a counter when i reached my 65th birthday 2 years ago. Even my car is beige. Belated birthday greetings anyway Sandy.
Islowry I'm 67 as well but I never find I'm invisible or ignored, maybe it's my blond hair and dazzling smile ;-) Dream on, just lucky I suppose!
belated birthday wishes sandy, like you I don't want anymore birthdays, mine was Sat gone & I got up and did a boot sale, just another ordinary day.
many happy returns (sandy) x

everything changes, all the time
Belated birthday greetings sandy, I welcome celebrating all my birthdays as I am not keen on the alternative.
The worlds oldest man died yesterday. He was 116. Imagine having another 46 birthdays to go.

Now smile, and think how lucky you are, you've had 8 more years than my dad and 45 more than my grandma.
Happy Belated birthday Sandy. I will be the same age as you in November - but hey, these days you are as young as you feel, just a recycled teenager in fact! I'm determined to try not to look old! :)
Och Sandy Milltown - really I am sure you could go somewhere nicer, with a nicer view than the motorway xx
Happy belated birthday. Cyber hug from cupid. Bless you for all you do in r&s!!xxxx
Happy birthday wishes for yesterday Sandy, don't despair too much, just plan on how you will spend the extra 25p per week increase to your state pension, when you reach 80.

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