to try to get the law changed for the more senior drivers out there.
Whilst not quite at my own '3 score years and ten', Ive just had the big six-oh, I have noticed a deterioration in my driving skills. And living on the south coast I see my fair share of 70+ drivers and their actions. There does appear to be a definite need for this kind of legislation.
I hope you will agree to sign. Thanks for your time
Whilst I do not disagree in principle with this ideal, the wording on this petition is not good and suggests a knee-jerk reaction rather than a reasoned line of thought.
No ,There is a minority of drivers of all ages who should not be on the road for one reason or another. However i do agree that eye tests should be compulsory for the elderly.
"I have noticed a deterioration in my driving skills"
In that case Puternut I suggest you do something about it before YOU join the minority group.
I agree with Woofgang and Jordy. Youngsters are responsible for more accidents than the older driver. Infact im sure ive read that young drivers are responsible for more accidents than any other group!
Just how many accidents are cause by people with dementia? surely a lot less than those caused by under 25s. Most of the idiotic driving that I see is perpetrated by people younger than me.
As an ex PCV driver I was subject to stringent medicals every five years, which is perfectly acceptable in my opinion. Hopefully I'll realise when it's time to stop driving. I'd like to see a medical requirement to obtain a licence for any age especially as regards sight tests. I am constantly amazed at people who can only just about cope with the existing eye test standards.
I'd like to see eyesight tests for everyone over 55yrs renewable every five years. Draconian? Yes! Possible lifesaver? Probably!
Ironically, as I move towards sixty, my myopia is actually improving!
My optician advises that the defect of short sight is slowly corrected by the onset of long sight - although the correction is infintessimal, so would not even be noticeable by me, although the deterioration of my sight has more or less levelled out now.
Many of you seem to be focusing (excuse the pun) on the eyesight/myopia theme but I feel it is much wider than this.
As an example I recently saw a gentleman of advanced years come out of a supermarket with his shopping. Using the trolley as support he got to the passenger side and dropped the bags on the seat. Again using the trolley he went to the front of the car, moved his support to the car as he left the trolley at the front of his parking bay, got in and drove off. The whole thing was done at such a slow speed that I honestly believed he was going to be the passenger!
So you begin to wonder what would happen if anyone (young or old) had got him into a situation where he would have to of executed an emergency stop! I fear his reactions would have been too slow.
Whilst I can see that many septuagenarians or older will be totally fit to drive healthwise (physically & mentally) should there not be system better than we have for checking if we are fit.
Finally (especially for whistonian) I used the term "I have noticed a deterioration in my driving skills" as a reference to the fact that I have seen the results of what I would consider dangerous driving too much in the 40+ years behind the wheel that I try not to get into the situations I did 30 years ago by actually driving more safely but regretabley more slowly and seem to be the only one within the speed limit judging by the tailback I seem to get nowadays. Maybe 'deterioration ' should read 'slowing safely'
I try to adhere to speed limits (not always successful as the signs are often too well camouflaged. Strangely this is not fast enough for the majority of drivers.