r.a.b? in The AnswerBank: Arts & Literature
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Weaza_cfc | 12:15 Fri 22nd Jul 2005 | Arts & Literature
14 Answers
Ok, conspiracy theories please... who is "R.A.B", Flight of the Prince, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince? Its been bothering me for a whole week now and want to know what you guys think!
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We've been posting our theories under an earlier question titled 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince'. Mine is that it's Regulus Black, Sirius' brother. x
Regulus Black, deceased brother of Sirius and former Death Eater.
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Like it, well thought out... I clicked that this person would have been at some point a Death Eater ("dark lord") but i hadn't got any further than that...
regulus blck was killed, it said so in the 5th book. but he couldve had a horcrux thing
There's a whole Wikipedia page dedicated to R.A.B. Plenty of theories, but it looks like we're just going to have to wait a couple of years to find out for sure.
I just looked at the above link to Wikipedia, and I think u lot should too!! Amelia Bones, possibly...Regulus Black, possibly... I am more inclined to think that RAB is a nickname.
in HP5 there is a heavy locket unable to be opened in the blacks house, is this the real horcrux....... 
I posted this in one of these before too, I think it is Regulas Black, and he was able to penetrate the potion because he had a dark mark and that was what you needed to get into the potion without drinking it, similar to the barrier put on the opening to the stairs during the fight at Hogwarts.
 I think that R.A.B. is Sirius' brother. In #5 HP the group find a heavy gold locket that refuses to open. i think that regulus (Sirius' brother) kept it safe there. I think that he didn't have to drink cus he had the dark mark.

So...at first I thought it was Regulus Black for the reasons many of you have given below.  Then I thought about Amelia Bones because she's obviously very intelligent (and therefore might have been an heir of Ravenclaw, even though her niece is a Hufflepuff) and Voldemort killed her personally.  For a wild moment, I considered that it might have been Mr. Borgins (or Mr. Burke - whichever one isn't dead), because he might have suspected something about Riddle while working for him.  BUT - I now think it might have been Amy Benson.  She and Dennis Bishop were the two children from the orphanage who Voldemort lured into the cave in the first place. I'm not prepared to speculate in detail about how she might have obtained the locket - or if she had magical powers - but she may very well have been involved with its getting there in the first place.

Just a few wild guesses.  There's more evidence supporting the "Regulus Black" theory than any other, but since when does JKR make it easy? :)

RAB can't be Ameila Bones. Her full name is Amelia Susan Bones, as indicated by cornelius Fudge during Harry's hearing in OOTP.
I really think that RAB is Regulus. Especially after the locket that could not be opened was found in Order of The Phoenix. I guess that the only person that knows for sure, won't be telling for another couple of years.
did anybody actually concerntrate????r.a.b. was snapes mother...read again and observe!!
R.A.B = Eileen Prince ? How ? What about Andromeda Black (Tonks Mum) is she still alive?

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