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//acronyms such as NFN are now not in use! //
NFN="Normal for Norfolk"?
//have you thought about seeing someone privately,//
No. I doubt I can afford BUPA, or similar.
// or asking the GP to refer you for counselling //
I have enough trouble just attending everyday appointments, due to a shifting sleep pattern. If an appointment is set for more than two or three days, I can't predict whether I will be asleep or awake at that time of day. Normally, GP appointments are always set 5 or 6 days away.
I got kicked off a CBT course, many years ago (a different town), for non-attendence. No-one even came to my house to find out if I was unwell, or worse.
//a psychological need to boost your confidence? //
I've never expressed any difficulties with confidence in the past. Where did you get that from?