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Does Anyone Work In The Bank? Can Someone Here Please Help Me With Ppi?

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91210 | 01:06 Mon 26th Jan 2015 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
I took out a loan 7 years ago.

Is it easy to claim? My reasons why I think I can claim are the reasons I found on the internet.

I don't think I was told that the policy was optional or tell you about any cooling off period.

Implied or stated it would be more expensive if you didn't take the insurance.

Implied or insisted you take out their policy to qualify for the product or help with your application.

Was very pushy when selling the product, so you felt you could not say no.

I was led to believe that they would not let me continue with the application if you did not sign the insurance agreement as well and as I was desperate for the loan I did.

I have no proof of the above but thinking about it I believe it to be true so should I still try to claim?

Will the bank still have the paperwork after all this time? How thorough do they investigate and how do they do it?

How likely is it that I will get my money?

Is there anything in your opinion that I should or shouldn't say to help my application?

Thank you for your time in reading this and for any answers I recieve.


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Based on what you say you should have a strong case. Just write using the MSE questionnaire and template letter

You need to be more careful though not to take out things you don't really want and to shop around in future as not all such misselling scandals will come to light .
I think most banks are keen to set things right. sounds like you have a valid case. just give them a ring and mention PPI.
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Thank you for your answers and I will read through carefully before sending off my application.

If I give the reason I mentioned above do they then just send you a cheque or input the owed funds into your bank?
I think they give you a choice.

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Does Anyone Work In The Bank? Can Someone Here Please Help Me With Ppi?

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