I've always voted for the workman / Woman, I think what the Tory's Gov have done is turn a lot including their own against the Eg/ I.D.S. & the dreaded Bedroom Tax, I feel for these people, I do agree the benefits had to be sorted once & for all but I also think they have gone overboard, the Gov should have started with handouts given to persons that pain nothing into this system of our's & getting a lot out, my own opinion, this Gov is the making of it's own destruction with their Thatcher Attitude, I also think, instead of getting brownie points against each other, they want to start in their own back yard & clean up the Fraudsters / Tax Evaders / 2 Job M.Ps then earn the money they get paid to do what we voted them to do & make G.B. Great again instead of being the laughing Stock of the world by the way we handle things! Eg, those 2 that got married in Prison, it could only happen here.