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How Do You See Other Abers

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nailit | 20:06 Sun 10th Jan 2016 | ChatterBank
61 Answers
Do you draw up a picture in your mind of how other ABers are in real life?


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Armchair warriors.
Obviously they look similar to their avatars...
Old, mainly.

I couldn't possibly comment!
Yes. If I don't know otherwise, I see them as their avatars too. But the ones I know are very much how I imagined.
"Obviously they look similar to their avatars... "

Do you mean looks or character?
Does that make me common?
Except chubbier and in a thermal vest jno, but yes, otherwise spot on ;-)
With some I form a picture in my mind , often when I have then seen an image of that person I've been miles away.

Speaking from a visual point of view of course.
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//Do you mean looks or character?//
Probably looks more than character...
Yes i do... mostly nob heads, but I love them anyway.
I see Tony as brawny and up to his armpits in a car engine
Don't forget the Swarfega and WD40, Psybbo.
That's for later Tony. I wonder if Tilly has taken off her pinny yet.
^and a Snap-On spanner ;)
Correct ^^^^^^^

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