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Any Artists Out There ???

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wolf63 | 12:02 Sun 28th Jan 2018 | Arts & Literature
5 Answers
I am not artistic in the least, but this competition could be worth entering if only for the nice prize money.

I am not awake yet (understatement of the year) so I hope that this post actually makes sense.


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Sky's Landscape artist of the Year is a great series - well worth watching - also their Portrait Artist of the year if you've got
Sky which I haven't I but see it sometimes.
What is nice about the landscape series is that, in addition to the chosen six or eight or whatever, it is also open to whoever wants to come along. I'm not good enough or brave enough though !!

We have some very good artists aboard the SS Answerbank - I used to dabble, but nowhere near bold enough to enter such a competition.

Be nice if some did and we got to know about it.
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This competition is open for a while yet ☺
DTC is an excellent artist. I will point him this way...
thanks Pixie, let me have a look at this....the question being drawings of country houses etc and if they qualify.....

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Any Artists Out There ???

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