Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Already happening and well- established in China https://www. nytimes.com/ 2018/07/08/b usiness/chin a-surveillan ce-technolog y.html The technology is available now. The only question is how long before more democratic governments start using it. People will allow their governments and State security services to implement this kind of thing, if...
17:29 Sat 15th Dec 2018
The Taylor Swift fans were not blown to smithereens by a Jihadi bomber unlike Ariana Grande's fans at Manchester. Perhaps all those Muslim/Islamic Jihadis in the UK who are known to the UK's security forces yet continue to slip under the radar to ply their evil atrocities should have facial recognition prints available at all access points to large crowd assembleys. It's about time warning bells were set off before the atrocity rather than after.
airports it is GDPR compliant
( pretty well has to be)
https:/ /www.wi red.co. uk/arti cle/hea throw-a irport- facial- recogni tion-te chnolog y
Initial reports say the novichok poisoners were tracked by face recogntiion tech but then later they said it was squares of tech police with Very Good Memories
( pretty well has to be)
Initial reports say the novichok poisoners were tracked by face recogntiion tech but then later they said it was squares of tech police with Very Good Memories
// Its like I.D. cards if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.//7
hahahaha AB in full swing tonight I see
The Dutch identity cards were re-issued with a cute 'J' for some people in 1940. Easy round up later on
Yeah I D cards hold no threat for the population - good one
J voor Jood just in case you were wondering
hahahaha AB in full swing tonight I see
The Dutch identity cards were re-issued with a cute 'J' for some people in 1940. Easy round up later on
Yeah I D cards hold no threat for the population - good one
J voor Jood just in case you were wondering
Already happening and well-established in China
https:/ /www.ny times.c om/2018 /07/08/ busines s/china -survei llance- technol ogy.htm l
The technology is available now. The only question is how long before more democratic governments start using it.
People will allow their governments and State security services to implement this kind of thing, if they perceive that the threat from external agencies (or perhaps racial minorities, as in the claimed threat in China from the Uyghur) is great enough.
Is it such a stretch of imagination that governments, or proto-governments might seek to deliberately spread fear, so that the public starts calling for this kind of all-pervasive monitoring of their citizens?
The technology is available now. The only question is how long before more democratic governments start using it.
People will allow their governments and State security services to implement this kind of thing, if they perceive that the threat from external agencies (or perhaps racial minorities, as in the claimed threat in China from the Uyghur) is great enough.
Is it such a stretch of imagination that governments, or proto-governments might seek to deliberately spread fear, so that the public starts calling for this kind of all-pervasive monitoring of their citizens?
Going back to what happened in WWII is ridiculous. Many countries have ID cards in one form or another without problem. If we had ID cards it would stop the need for passports to get to Europe (for the moment). People don't seem to mind having to carry driving licences around , and an ID card would be similar. It does not have to have your religion just your DOB and possibly, like in Canada, your SIN (social insurance number) which I presume in the UK would be your NI number. This is 2018 not 1939.....