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What Does This Weird Dream Mean?

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mimi999999999 | 21:56 Tue 29th Mar 2022 | Body & Soul
10 Answers
One thing you should know about me is that I ALWAYS get weird dreams. Some people say you shouldn’t take them seriously but I WANT to take them seriously.

Okay so in my dream I was talking to a group of people and out of nowhere a little kid just says to me "You smell good" and then starts sniffing me EVERYWHERE! I know you might be thinking it’s not that serious but I searched up what it means and someone said it means that you have a good spirit or something like that. Anyone else know? Or am I just being weird


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There's nothing more boring than other people's dreams
I have vivid dreams every night and look up the meanings here.
If you're into Freudian psychology, there might be some sort of meaning to dreams. However more recent theories about dreaming, such as the Activation-Synthesis Model, suggest that there's no real meaning to them at all, so it's pointless trying to find any meaning in any dream:
Dreams mean nothing. Just your brain trying to sort itself out as you sleep.
Ok, you’ve probably got a good spirit.

Dreams are just random pictures in your sleep. Sometimes they reflect things that are troubling you. Sometimes your brain just chucks out random things.

Recently I dreamt about someone I hadn’t thought about in years.
To anyone who knows me - if you are thinking of telling me about your dreams, please don't.
Find something useful to do and you may find that you become less self-absorbed.
I had a dream when I was young
A dream of sweet illusion A glimpse of hope and unity
And visions of one sweet union
But a cold wind blows and a dark rain falls
And in my heart, it shows
Look what they've done to my dream…
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Some people say you shouldn’t take them seriously

dont take them seriously. - the dreams

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What Does This Weird Dream Mean?

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