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Viola Da Gamba

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Khandro | 21:17 Fri 08th Apr 2022 | Arts & Literature
8 Answers
Don't just sit there, why not learn how to play one?



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Such a beautiful and mournful sound.
If I were to learn to play a new instrument it would be the theramin
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I had to look that up barry, doesn't seem to have the charisma of the viola da gamba! :0)
I think this lady is smashing.
The theme tune to Midsummer Murders is played on a theramin, it fascinates me
seven strings? i never managed to master the four on a violin . . .
Barry, I remember Mark Kermode explaining that the theremin was invented by a Russian who wanted a proper communist instrument that could be equally easy for everyone to play.

Unfortunately it actually turned to be equally difficult for everyone - though he played it okay himself.
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jno; That sounds just like good communist ideology - dumb down & dilute everything so that everyone is 'equal'.
it wasn't intended to dumb down, Khandro, it just didn't work as well as planned (this can happen to capitalist enterprises too, I believe).

But aside from the difficulty of learning to use it, it does produce an attractive sound.

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Viola Da Gamba

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