A timely post Atheist! :) I've been struggling a bit. OH was in hosp. with suspected brain bleed - all now OK - and I never, ever want to go through the A&E experience again. Now have Shingles with the strain. It'll come out in a story eventually - or maybe I'll write to a paper again. Had some good reaction to letters/stories in the local press.
That apart. I enrolled on a 6 week course on Creative Writing at Bridlington under the aegis of Hull Uni. and it's the last week next Mon. I have been forced to dig really deeply. Sometimes it has really frightened me but I am writing as I never thought I could. This evening I have done what I hope is my final proof-read of a 2,250 word story as my major response from the course. If it still seems OK in the morning I'll send it off. Otherwise, the lecturer set the first page of Pride & Prejudice for us to use and to spin off from - that was quite fun. I don't know if it will all lead anywhere, but the lecturer writes scripts for Dr. Who and is very on the ball.
Also, there is a history of our church from 1078 until now which is out in a local mag. and the usual local newsletter contributions.
The distractions of major life events have, however, put the transcription of the old novel onto the back burner. :(
I'm disappointed that my 11 yr. old granddaughter hasn't yet managed to find the time to read my now completed 'unicorn' book. Kids! She'll be too old for it soon.
So, that's me, more or less. Hoping to do more as health issues settle. How about you? I know that you are nearing the end of your book and you really must keep going. I have it in mind to do what you are doing myself. It's important. Personal history needs to be communicated.
Off to bed now, painkillers just swallowed so I can get a decent night's sleep. Bonne nuit!