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Black Mirror - Netflix

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naomi24 | 16:26 Thu 20th Jul 2023 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
Has anyone watched this? Inspired by The Twilight Zone and each episode a different story, it’s into series 6 (I think) now but we’ve only just discovered it. Sometimes dystopian, sometimes horrific, sometimes bizarre - we’re really enjoying it. Something a bit different.


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It's a brilliant series, Naomi. And, imho, it gets better as it progresses. Charlie Brooker is one very clever man.
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He is, Ken. I thought you might have watched it. You and I generally like the same stuff.
I keep meaning to get started on it...hmm...maybe tonight...
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I think each one is about an hour long, Lik. They make a change from the run of the mill stuff.
I really want too, I have friends who watch it
Watched the first two episodes of series 1 last night - hmm, very odd but strangely enjoyable. I'll keep going...

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Black Mirror - Netflix

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