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Scouts British Landmarks/Attractions Cd 20/9

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saintstim | 11:51 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers

Any help with these two would be appreciated

4 Recognise musical tones in heaby parks (10,7)

6 Yawning stream (6,4)



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6 Gaping Gill?

Kensington gardens?

If it should read "heavy".

Question Author

Thankyou elliemay1 and scorpiojo. Yes it should have read heavy.

I'd never heard of Gaping Gill.

I had never heard of Gaping Gill either. You learn something new every day! I would like to learn something else like the answers to these two-

10. Curved sculptor's rock (6,4)

23. Hamlet play area (6,4)

Any help would be appreciated.

10 Marble Arch

23 Prince's Park, Liverpool?

Question Author

23 Thorpe Park

^^^ sorry, can't count!

Thank you all for your answers. I am afraid I cannot see the connection with Thorpe Park and Hamlet though.

Danish Camp

Local to you, I presume, Tilly?

Best kept secret - indeed!

Yes, Capt. We go there often. Lovely little place.

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Scouts British Landmarks/Attractions Cd 20/9

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