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How To Cal Bar A Text Message

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Jaimsieboy | 18:52 Fri 27th Sep 2024 | Technology
7 Answers

I keep getting Text Message Scams fsoerom the same mobile tel. no.

 Does anybody know how to block them.

My mobile is an old one and it does not have Call Barring.


Any help would be really helpful...thanks





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What model 'phone do you have?

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Nokia 201

-- answer removed --

Obvious bot ^^^

Have you replied to it? If so that could explain the repeated calls.


If you simply ignore every message from that number, it will stop.

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Thanks to everybody...Jaimsieboy

Your phone doesn't have any means of blocking incoming texts.

However, if you can work out how to forward such a text to another number, send it on to 7726.  (This link is from Vodafone but the method and number are the same for all UK mobile phone service providers: )

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