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Need Art Gallery

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joe1 | 00:41 Tue 01st Oct 2024 | Arts & Literature
4 Answers

Hi,  Have an Edgar Hunt animal framed oil. Original. Looking for a gallery that buys that style of painting. Anyone know of one please preferably East Midlands.  Don't say auction - 25% fee is a rip off.  Thanks



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not where you want it but they do seem to have Hunts on their website.

Jno's just beaten me to posting that link!

I think you'll find gallery's fees just as expensive (if not more so) than auction sites.

I've dabbled in buying and selling antiques (although not in the fine arts) and I know that the usual policy of antiques dealers is never to offer private sellers more than a third of what they expect to sell an item for.  I strongly suspect that will apply to art galleries too.

So, say, you've got a painting that's worth £3000 on the open market, a gallery will probably offer you around £1000 but, with luck, you might push them up to closer to £1500 (but only if they really want it). 

If you sell at auction though, a private buyer might well bid £2500 (which, with the buyer's premium, will probably take their outlay up to around the market value of the painting anyway).  An auction house such as Mellors & Kirk (in Nottingham) will charge you 15% + VAT commission on the hammer price (=£450), leaving you with £2050, which is still a lot better than what you'd get from selling to a gallery.

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