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JinnyJoan | 21:16 Wed 18th Dec 2024 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I left a parcel for Xmas into my doctor and chemist.


One of the receptionist at doctor's had to come from the back as the parcel was too big to go through the window.

Guess what she said  - you know "jenny we know you are on your own and so we are sending you a full Christmas dinner down to you on Xmas day.    Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat  -  no way and of course thanked her - I have already had two invitations and I am not taking any of them.  like me own grub too much and me son Maxie is with me of course.  

Wasn't that very nice !!



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That's lovely, JJ

Nice to think you're in someone's thoughts, JJ x

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now that I have got 3 invitations including my neighbour who was in last night and mentioned the invitation but I did say no - but I am going to change my mind and go for her lovely dinner and sharing a little din din with Mr Maxie - 


Don't blame you 🙂

Has your sister's house been assessed?

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house is being assessed today and I will be there - I never hardly go over as I am afraid of the heavy scaffolding but I have heard via my nephew they have gone into her house and replaced many windows and doors and have cleaned up after them - there'll be dust but that's nothing - they probably cleaned as her house is gleaming.

anyway also would you believe a Housing Officer is visiting her too in the hospital to talk about things  - he is coming at the same time so I can't be there - but I believe he doesn't want anybody there anyway.  

This is will be a "funny" day.  We will see what happens with the whole shebang.  At least things are moving a little but sister should be moving definitely more.  So that could be a problem.  

Hope it all goes well, JJ

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