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My Poor Almost 16 Year Old Cat Has Heart Congestion..

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Patsy33 | 21:56 Fri 03rd Jan 2025 | Animals & Nature
45 Answers

He's on 2 lots of tablets. 2 a day for helping to rid fluid from his lungs an 1 to help prevent blood clots. He's not too bad with water tablets, which I crush uo but the other for prevention of blood clots, I'm not very successful. He seems to know when I try yo hide this one in his food. I do crush both up. Another thing, he's not eating so much. Any tips please on how to get him to take his much needed medication? Thank you.



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Perhaps try a stronger-smelling food, in the hope of hiding the smell of the tablets?

I'm reasonably successful at getting crushed-up flea tablets into my lot when I add them to (pongy!) fishy foods.  However my best success rate is usually when I casserole a small amount of chicken in the oven with some cream of chicken 'cup soup' that I've made with less water than usual (so that it's like a thick sludge).  I then shred the chicken before giving them their food.

Maybe a similar technique might work with your feline friend?

I'm very sorry to read of your poor cat, Patsy. I'm sorry I can't offer a tip, but I hope Buenchico's helps. 

Patsy, I can't help you with your problem.

But I used to have the same problem on a daily basis with Frankie.  I was constantly worried about his pig headed refusal to take his drugs.

It makes my current dilemma of a blocked toilet seem slightly easier to cope with.



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Sorry for delay. Been charging my phone up. Thanks for replying. I'm see Vet soon, so will get her to teach me technique of holding mouth open and putting tablet on back of tongue. They are tiny as they've all been cut in halves. I don't think he would try and bite me! Just a bit nervous and dont want to distress him. I love him so much...

Patsy, the Vets and nurses can be rougher with your cat as he doesn't love them.

when you try medicating an older cat you don't want to alienate him in any way as you and he will be getting upset.

there is a putty type stuff that you can wrap drugs in.  It works magically when you have a greedy cat.

I hope all goes well and you manage to find a routine that suits both of you🐈💜

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Thank you Wolf. My daughter used that putty stuff on her cat. Worked like magic. I'll ask my Vet. Thank you 😊

Awe bless you Patsy, I can't help (I have no pets) but when often housesitting etc.. given specific rules when feeding them etc, if they're poorly.... I wish you all the best and your frined.

One of my siamese was a mare and a half to get pills into, eventually I hit on mixing the crushed pill either with a little Dairylea, or some vanilla ice cream. (Which would probably be frowned on - but it worked)

Could you ask the vet for suppositories instead ?

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Thanks all.

OG, that looks a good idea, but I did read not good for holding tablets that are cut up smaller, which I have been given. I read doesn't hold well when cut up smaller.

Just read this, Patsy, and so sorry to hear that Pusscat is unwell.
If I had to give my cat (21 years) a pill, I used to press it into a small piece of block butter and pop it into her mouth (the way the Vet does),stroking her throat afterwards.  It worked!  Perhaps your OH could hold him while you do this - I used to wrap her in a towel in my arms! 🐱x

I dread to think what it would be like if my semi-feral Toby ever needs pills. He adores human tuna, so I'd probably crush a tablet into that.

Cats are sneaky and clever little beasts... I hope you find a solution for your dear boy.

I imagine giving a pill to a cat is rather harder than giving one to a dog.  Never the less my dog gets his daily pill wrapped in a piece of a slice of ham taken from a packet of sliced ham.  When I hold it to his mouth I always make sure the pill is furthest away as he sniffs it before swallowing and it fools him.  Bless.

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He's not too bad when it comes to one of the tablets, which are cut in quarters? Thy crush up like dust. Its the other one, ( to prevent blood clots) that has been halved. They are bitty and crunchy and I should imagine taste bitter the way he reacts! The dad thing is, Las few days he seems to have lost his appetite and sleeps most of the day. Thanks for your tips everyone, I will try. 😊

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Typing on my phone with fat fingers! 😁

We had to give our cat tablets on a daily basis and found that using a crusher we crushed the pill then mixed it with a little water and gave it him via a syringe which we got from the vets. It worked well.

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That's a good idea furrypusscat!. Thanks 😀 

Very sorry to hear!

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Thanks Bluefortress.

It's very sad and distressing to see him like this. Took him to our Vet today. She gave him injection to help clear his congested chest & lungs, which will last for 12 hours. Also gave him a tablet to help stimulate his appetite, as he hasn't eaten for a few days, which has made him weaker. He seems a little more with it tonight and had a tiny bit of food. He is very poorly...

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