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Is anyone familar with the the writer John Updike's work?

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howievance | 01:59 Tue 24th Jan 2006 | Arts & Literature
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I havn'r actually read anything of his, though i have seen the Witches of Eastwick, which is a bit fancyful but a fascinating story
haven't read any of his books for years - I didn't much like them, but they're about American life, often suburban life, and they're often highly thought of in the USA. I think The Witches of Eastwick was a bit more fantastical than most of his work. See wikipedia article about him.
Not madly keen on his 'Rabbit' books, but I enjoyed 'Couples', which is a thoughtful, quite dreamy book about the relationships between a number of couples in a small town in New England.
I quite enjoyed the Rabbit books, which give an accurate protrayal of US, middle class life from the 1950's to the 1980's. They seem a little tame nowadays and not the usual hard hitting storylines we expect now - a far more everyday view of the lifestyle, which was a differet approach at the time. I read the second one then the rest, so I would recommend having a go at the first one at least.

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Is anyone familar with the the writer John Updike's work?

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