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Poor old letter K

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joko | 20:10 Wed 15th Feb 2006 | Arts & Literature
11 Answers
Does anyone else think that this poor letter has been sadly neglected in our language?
If it's not being made silent, as in know and knock, it's being shoved behind a C, as in back and truck, and if that wasn't bad enough, sometimes it is abandoned all together in favour of a C, as in carrot and case!
And, just to throw salt in its wounds, it gets left out of quiet and quince.

Why all this C favouritism � I can understand the Q wanting to muscle in�Q hasn't got much else to do, except hang around with U all the time, so probably gets bored � but the letter C is taking liberties, it's not even as if we need the letter C � we have the letter S and that does a sterling job on its own. The only thing C is good for is joining the letter H. Why can't it just stick with H, where it's needed, and chuck off!

If any more proof was needed, what about the letter C muscling in, silently, in words like scissors! - although with 4 S's to deal with no wonder it stays silent!
I know letters like G have a rough deal too, as in gnome and thought etc, but not to the extent of the poor letter K.
Only in one word does it get to be a twin � trekking � can't think of any others. C gets to be a twin all over the place, as in occur and occasion,
I'd like to know - what did the letter K do so wrong?


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The Welsh neglect it altogether, prejudiced ********.
K was an impetuous youth who left the english language and went of to join the Russian Revolution and he found great power over there. He is much more important in Russia than he is here!
You'd expect C to be a bit jealous of 'okay'. In the abbreviated form K does the work of three letters: 'OK'.
K doesnt even exist in the Italian language, arrivaderci K, ciao CH.
Theres Kandy Floss with a K (sorry couldn't resist)
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good answers. GB - at leats we now know why he is such an outcast...or should that be outKast?

Myron - aren't those words 'CH' sounds though? K wouldn't work in them. - but seriously, are there really no letter Ks in the italian language?

and flashpig - is that really true? wow, weird eh?

it seems i was right in my suspicions of a conspiracy against him! (him? lol)

but well done james - at least he gets to shine somewhere, and show people what he is made of.

I believe (can't rememeber where from) that OK is the most commonly used word in the english language - revenge is sweet, eh?

Perhaps thats the answer - all the other letters are just jealous!!

How strange! I was looking through a dictionary today and thought that there`s not many K`s in it compared to C and low and behold there`s a letter on here about it !!!!
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yes nita, spread the word!!

One site gives this as the order in which the letters appear most often in the English language

e t a o i n s r h l d * * * f p g w y b v k x j q z.

The asterisks are *-*-*.
FOR GOODNESS' SAKE!!!!!!!!!!!! The letters are MUC but in reverse.

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Poor old letter K

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