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American Gothic...

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Gigadave | 11:27 Sat 09th Nov 2002 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Whatever happened to American Gothic? I watched all the episodes that C4 screened, but it felt like there should've been a second series. Was there another series made or was it just a really bad ending?


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Great! Another American Gothic fan. Sadly, the American network axed it after just one series.
Axed due to poor viewing figures in America. How sexy was Caleb's teacher?!!?!!?!?!??
I believe another series was planned (at thetime) but the networks didn't really like the idea of a 'role model sherrif' being the bad guy. Hence as to why the first series was wound up so neatly, even if the ending was abit naff. Yes, Shaun Cassidy (producer) is a brother of David Cassidy (Partridge family/70's pop star).

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