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I see England, I see France

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DaSwede | 19:05 Thu 23rd Mar 2006 | Arts & Literature
517 Answers

Last week I saw an old episode of Moonlighting. the name of the episode was I see England, I see France, I see Maddie's netherworld. It immediately struck me as probably being a paraphrase, so I searched for that phrase barring the netherworld-part, and got tons of hits. I gather it's a 'teasing rhyme' (if that be the term) and that the last part of it would normally be I see (name)'s underpants. But even that sounds like a paraphrase to me, as if the origin was oh I don't know - a Churchill speech or something... "I see England, I see France, united in ..." etcetera. (Just fantasizing.)

Does anyone know anything about the origin - or if the rhyme is the origin.

Thanks in advance and for now, more personal thanks sometime next week.



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(((*_*)))Morning Munchkins.
just read its cheaper to get a Taxi to london than a train.....erm......think are start me own taxi firm up....yo (:O)
later dudes....
party invitations??? Not since 1972. Is there a shindig going on somewhere?
erm...that explains all those trips...yo (:O)
don't be silly Vincent....neti inside a sports bag?! I think you're forgetting a couple of things
OMG - I look deformed!!! Must stop eating frogs legs!!!!
When a man gets to 50, why is his willy like a christmas Tree?

Cos it's dead from the roots up and the balls are for decoration only!!
Hi All just got back from an hilarious afternoon. Been to see St. Trinian's. There were only 9 people in the cinema and me and my friend were the only ones laughiing out loud. Has anybody else seen it? Rupert Everett and Colin Firth were brilliant and so funny. Rupert played the part of Camilla and Colin was Geoffrey and they had a thing for each other and Camilla had a dog called Mr. Darcey. Very clever!

Hope you all have a good night see you soon. :o)
ahem, have you told that one to Mr Neti yet?

Nice to see you breezing through on the way to the next disco, Jude!
Question Author

Morning. I think I must be on shrooms after all - reading jno's short people article from the Sun. "...people of limited stature" - that reminded me of the Cole Porter lyrics ...if your figure's less than Greek".

less than roman

When I first read the name of your link, jno, I thought it was going to be about the search in Sweden for the Lady of the Lake in Spamalot, apparently there's a contest going on here right now. I'll do it if I can meet Michael Palin, isn't he nice. He is, isn't he? The sort of man who would tell you - not ask your permission, mind you, just tell you - if he were to go to oh I don't know say Exmoor for a few days. So that you wouldn't have to worry about him, thinking he was experiencing the worst toothache since the dawn of dentistry.

VINNY. (Stand back, ladies, this is going to be medieval.) I hope we enjoyed our little excursion. Let's hope it was worth it. Worth dealing with

the consequences

including the seventh step

...the seventh step so horrendous that there could be no mention of it even in the awol-deterring propaganda... the seventh step being:

me singing to you, vinny

puts hands over ears...
Okay Okay...I give in kip .
ill tell you next time...i promise....crosses fingers behind back..hehe..! palin didnt know fer 80 days...!
ummm netti...think mr netti better go and see the doc....youve warn his winky out...hahaha...(:O)
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Simon Cowell liked it.
(((*_*))) Mornin must dash 1 job down 3 to go>>>whoosh Play Loud (:O)
My round..? cheers medears pssst..tight bu66ers in sweden....quickly does a runner>>>whoosh> hehe..(:O).
Question Author
I'd get the next round, Vinny... only, it's too cold in here to take my hands out of my pockets, you see.

Who ever knew we had an Ice Bar at one of our hotels, you would have loved to stay there wouldn't you Neti? There's an old movie called Ice Cold in Alex (andria) - amateurs... even the glasses themselves are made of ice in the Ice Bar! (Page 3.) So sorry I didn't know about that one when you were here, oh Spanish one, but here's some footage from the Ice Hotel in Jukkasj�rvi to make up for my lapse. The hymn-like song is called H�ll mitt hj�rta (Hold my heart).

Got to put this laptop down before it falls to the floor - I've been awake for 25? hours (don't ask.)
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Guess Robinia is at Dolly's party ...?
Had another 9 invitations today Dolly!! don't worry, I'll
sort it
...I gather by the silence of everyone else that you either had just the one or none at all? My fear is that everyone who received it is now passing it on & somehow my address is attached Valentine's day I could have enough invites to bring the whole of the UK...haha. I knew confessing to a windfall was a bad idea.
beanz meanz mean

Erm...we weren't really worried about you Vin, we just wanted someone to put the bins out

<elbows Sweedie in ribs & whispers> it's never a good idea to tell men you've missed 'em. btw I won't (ask) but I hope you're ok.

I stayed in the hotel with the ice bar, Kit... but not being a big drinker I never got downstairs to see it. Stupid of me, really. It's no wonder I don't get any party invitations...
Nope no party invites for me << note to self,check deodorant is not out-of-date>>

Kit there is an ice bar in Barcelona and I'm hoping to have a drink in it when I go at the end of Feb. Sisters are getting worried about the **** terrorists in the next street to our hotel, I say s*d 'em (the terrorists not the sisters!) And these sisters live in England!! surely the Brits are used to living with this threat.
That was not a rude word just p.a.k.i.

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I see England, I see France

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