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Childrens Book

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CarolG | 17:36 Mon 21st Aug 2006 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
There was this book i read a couple if times when i was in primary school (early-mid 80's) but i can only vaugely remember it... it was about a brother and sister who couldn't sleep so the sister counted sheep and the brother counter dragons and then it sort of merged together.

sounds a bit mental i know but if anyone could remember the title/author it would be greatly appreciated!


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Hi, I THINK it was "Ninety-Nine Dragons" by Barbara Sleigh. I have a copy of this book, it's a hardcover which is a sort of turquoise colour. I don't know where it is so I can't check, but I'm almost certain this is what you're asking about.
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BlueHeaven - that's the one! I was going to mention that it had a turquoise cover but forgot...

Thanks a million
Oooh it's nice to get an answer right! I'm glad that was the one! Have a look for it on Amazon - one of the sellers there has it priced at over 100 quid! Surely it must be some mistake...? I don't know.

Glad to have been able to help :-)

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