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The Times lit quiz

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Newby | 17:33 Sun 27th Aug 2006 | Arts & Literature
141 Answers
It's that time of year again, folks...shall we?


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Clergymen 2 - Mr Elton's yellow curtains - Emma - Jane Austen
Cemeteries 2 - Phillip Pirrip - Great Expectations - Dickens
What thoughts on Monarchs 5? Moll Flanders certainly steals lace but can't find bit where she sits between regal ladies. Anyone else found the bit?
Are n`t you mixing 2 questions up there michaelk
Hi everyone
Monarchs 1 Ayesha She
4 Alice "sitting between red and white queens"
Theatre 3 Stella Bradshaw (Its Bainbridge - I forget the book)
Theatre 3: 'An Awfully Big Adventure'
Supernatural 1: definitely M R James 'Stalls of Barchester'.
Jobs 4 : 'Nice Work' David Lodge - have we done that one already?
I am really stuck on Quarrels. I feel 3 is not mr Tulliver as he wasn't hitting anyone when he suffered the stroke but on a horse.
Flapwing, please be assured, Quarrels 3 IS Tulliver, as the following extract from a BBC synopsis of 'Mill on the Floss' confirms:

'But legal dealings have provoked a rivalry between Mr. Tulliver and Mr. Wakem that grows so bitter it triggers the miller's stroke and eventual death'.
Question Author
a few more:
Cheadle Hulme is "Oranges Are not the Only Fruit" - Pastor Spratt

King's Spaniel etc: Robert Merrivel(?) in Restoration by
Rose Tremain.

Are we sure about the john Osborne in pictures?
Question Author
one more: Patient medicine heiress: Dr Thorne in Framley Parsonage.
Don't you think it looks like John Osbourne?
Another one
Supernatural 5: Matthew Lewis 'The Monk' Ambrosia
Must be Osborne surely - picture belies the later bitter face but the reference must be to Look Back in Anger?
One more definite - Cars 4 is Jack Dodds in Graham Swift's 'Last Orders'
I think Jobs 2 may be Annie and Miriam Larkin - but I don't have a copy of The History of Mr Polly. Can anyone help?
Jobs 3 Which female mill-worker.............

I think that is Bessie Higgins, North and South,Gaskell

How about this as a suggestion for a difficult one-

Theatre 2 - Noises Off - Michael Frayn.
Starts as a farce production, later acts show behind the scenes
hey. could quarrels 2 be gus and ben in pinters the dumb waiter?
I reckon ,Quarrels 2/ Cassius, Brutus, Julius Caeasar.

Old Will has got to be there somewhere!

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