The only thing which I have is my obsession with security. I have to check that my doors and windows are locked dozens of times before I go to my bed and even when I am in my bed , I sometimes come down to check again - just to be on the safe side. I have even sent my poor hubby downstairs in the middle of the night to check when i've heard a noise. I keep my doors locked all the time when I am in the house - except my back door during the day because I have a padlock on my gate. When I am away from home , I sometimes fret that I didn't lock my doors - even although I know that I really did.
It all stems from when I had my house broken into about 11 years ago - I actually interrupted them in the middle of the burglary ! Since then I am obsessed with security and I know that my fears are irrational but I can't help it. Finding the stanley knife in my house which they left behind when they legged it out my kitchen window made me realise what they could have done to me. Apart from that I am normal , honestly !