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Where can I get a copy of Romanzo Criminale in the UK?

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Lucy334 | 21:10 Fri 17th Nov 2006 | Arts & Literature
3 Answers
I recently watched the film Romanzo Criminale and I would like to know where I can get a copy of the book in the UK? i tried waterstones, amazon and borders on the internet but had no luck!


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I have had a browse round but the only copies available seem to be in Italian and then in America from Abebooks .It was only published in 2005 so I daresay it will be a while before it is translated .Unless of course you are conversant with Italian !
A lot of novels written in foreign languages take a while to hit the shelves here because of the time it takes to translate them.This is proven with Henning Mankells novels.He is Swedish and his books are great but there is always at least a year and sometimes longer before they hit the shelves here.
Only a very small number (possibly less than 1%) of all books published in foreign languages ever get translated into English.

I've looked at several websites and I can find no reference to any book by Giancarlo de Cataldo ever being translated into English so, unfortunately, it's quite likely that there will never be an English edition of Romanzo Criminale. (If it does, it might have the English title, 'Crime Novel')

You might have to settle for just watching the subtitled film again. It's already available for rental (e.g. from Tesco's online DVD rental service), so it might have a retail release in a few months time.

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Thanks for your answers. Sadly, my italian is very very basic. So nevermind!

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Where can I get a copy of Romanzo Criminale in the UK?

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