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What are the 'stalls'?

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spunkypumpkn | 20:11 Wed 31st Jan 2007 | Arts & Literature
6 Answers
I know this is a really sh*t question.. so apologies in advance.

I'm hoping to buy some Ricky Gervais tickets for sheffield city hall. Looking at some on ebay... but I have no idea regarding the terms used to describe areas of the theatre. What area are the stalls?


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The stalls are generally the seats right in front of the stage, (rather than up a height so you're looking down), but obviously sloping for a better view.
Some stalls, though, do have quite a slope and go back a fair way.

At De Montfort Hall, they have 'tiered stalls'. Rows (approx) A - F are flat, with rows G to something like P or S being quite steeply raked until they meet the front of the circle.

I would suggest you contact the venue box office and ask them about the position of the seats you've seen if you're at all unsure.
I just went on to the Sheffield City Hall site & then into Ricky Gervais concerts to look at seating plan and according to that both concerts are sold out.
...hence why ******'s is looking on ebay... can he/she (i'm guessing she) get away with that word in his/her AB name, but i can't reproduce it in an answer?!
Here is a plan of Sheffield City Hall. Use the % tab at the top to zoom in; you can see where each numbered seat is.

choose the 360 degree tour and there is a seating plan for the oval hall

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What are the 'stalls'?

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