Having spent hours in the library, hours at home googling, and having asked on here before, as have other people, if anyone can help answer this quiz question, in aid of the W&N Air Ambulance, I would be very grateful. Chuchill has been suggested, but I can find no confirmation. I really do need to get a life I know!
What was the first name and surname of the artist who, when told that one of his portraits was 'ugly and distorted' replied: "Are you certain, Madam, that it was my picture you were looking at and not your mirror. Thank you.
I've gone for Modigliani on the grounds that is says first and second name and if it was someone like churchill or picasso the first name is obvious - probably on wrong track though
Purely on the grounds that if the question has asked for the first name as well as the surname, I would imagine that there are other well known people with the same surname.
How many other Modiglianis are you aware of ? !
I wonder if it might be someone like Lucian Freud - (grandson of Sigmund Freud) whose portraits would never be described as flattering.
Thank you to everyone for their inputs. I spent time chasing up quotes by Picasso and Modigliani, but could find nothing which gave credence to the above quote. I shall now look at Matisse and Freud. I hate to be beaten, but on this occasion, I may have to accept the inevitable!
Hi Smouse! If I do find the answer to this question I shall post back to you, but having spent the past three weeks searching....don't hold your breath! I hope you have more luck. xx
Jane got it, it was Modigliani. An art teacher friend also suggested it, and I found a site on the internet which also suggested the same. I would still like to have it 100% confirmed, but after all this time, I'm happy to go with it. Unless someone can come up with a definite answer!