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EauFraiche | 18:14 Sat 22nd Sep 2007 | Music
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Comment / Suggestion: I can't find this song.. and nor can I remember
> who's is it? The actual video that I saw was like this... There's a guy
> who comes on the sidewalk with a huge stereo on his a blue
> track suit and he puts down the stereo and then plays the song. He dances
> in an awesome fashion and this guy in the back is actually singing along
> with that voice on the stereo. Some on lookers see him dancing and one of
> them tells the story - that he dances every year at this very place.. on
> this very day.. cause he has lost his gf.. and he dances to bring her back
> that's it... the song ends there... and the guy who's dancing, picks up
> the stereo and goes away.. who's video is it? fatboy slim? or anyone else?
> what's the name of the song? where can I get this video? Thanks!


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