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lovelylad | 08:57 Mon 05th Nov 2001 | Arts & Literature
2 Answers
What books has the controversial historian David Irving written? In which has he suggested that the Holocaust was faked?


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Irving has denied that he is a Holocaust 'denier' and even went to court to prove it. He lost. In truth, he's never said the the Holocaust was faked, only that much dodgy information as to methods and the scale of the murder has been disseminated by interested parties. He also said that Hitler was unaware of what was going on until as late as 1943. He's written many books in a 40-year career, more often than not dealing with the Nazi period in Germany and WWII, and was once a respected historian. He wasn't always so controversial, only becoming 'converted' to revivionist views in the late 80s.
His first book was on the bombing of Dresden in 1945. He wrote Hitler's War in the 70s I think which was then republished later (in the 80s?) with a number of revisions.

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